Saturday 16 July 2011

The End of Harry Potter

The final Harry Potter movie - Deathly Hallows Part 2 - has been released, and I was one of the first to see it :D

I went to see the Deathly Hallows Double Bill (Parts 1 and 2 back-to-back) and it was the most excited I have been for the cinema since seeing the first Harry Potter back in 2001. Part 1 started at about half 9 on Thursday night, which was the third time I had seen it at the cinema, before Part 2 in 3D just after midnight...

The atmosphere in the cinema was great... I can't really describe it, you had to be there! But it was brilliant being there with other fans of the franchise. Because of the many times Part 1 had been seen, people were rather sleepy by the end, but everyone just enjoyed it and was laughing throughout :D

If you haven't seen it yet, here are the trailers to wet your appetite...

But now what? No more Potter :/ Ah well, I think they're all going to be re-released in 3D supposedly :D