Tuesday 3 May 2011

Osama Bin Laden

Is dead!!

Unfortunately my 'Where's Wally?' styled 'Where's Bin Laden' book is now a bit out of date :/

This was one of those moments when you log on to Twitter, see a name in the trending topics list and can guess immediately what's happened...

But talking of Twitter, one guy living in Abbottabad was providing updates of the night's events without knowing it!

There are also many conspiracies... was his capture linked to Apple? Two weeks ago it came out they could track iPhone locations. Or perhaps it's due to the PlayStation Network outage? Name and addresses were stolen... maybe Bin Laden had an iPhone and/or PS3?! :-D
This was another theory I saw on Twitter:
"Osama Bin Laden has 13 letters in his name. Barack Obama recently watched Friday da 13th. Friday was 3 days ago.3+13= sweet 16. #Conspiracy"
 His death was also on the same date as that of Lord Voldemort! Perhaps, after being hosted by Professor Quirrel, Voldemort took to hiding in the back of Bin Laden's turban? It's a possibility ;-)

Something silly about the whole thing though was a reporter on Sky News asking Ed Milliband if Bin Laden's killing had been timed to coincide with the Royal wedding :S How could the two possibily be related??

Ta ta...

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