Wednesday 20 October 2010

How to cure hiccups…

Last week a friend of mine suddenly came over with a bout of hiccups… so to solve the problem I quickly Googled  a cure and found some rather weird solutions…
The Gag Method
  1. Go into your bathroom, and open the lid on the toilet.
  2. Stick your finger down your throat and make yourself gag.
  3. Continue until you REALLY gag, even throwing up if you have to.
  4. After you throw up, or have a REALLY good gag, no more hiccups! Works EVERY time!
    The Indian Method
    1. Close your eyes.
    2. Think of a popular Indian character (Gandhi, Apu from The Simpsons, etc) and envision him in your mind very clearly.
    3. Attempt to channel their voices through yours.
    4. Speak gently and quietly.
    5. Bob your head very slightly, side by side, making sure your eyes are still squeezed shut.
    6. Lick your lips and say, "Did you order the chicken tikka masala?"
    7. Slowly open your eyes and count to ten in Hindi (Google this beforehand if you don't know how.)
    8. Your hiccups are gone!
    The Tickle Method
    1. Tickle the person.
    2. Continue for 30 seconds or longer if you desire a tickle fight.
    The Awooga Method
    1. Take a deep breath until it almost hurts
    2. Shout AWOOOOOOGA as loud as you possibly can
    3. Repeat until hiccups are cured
    A warning did come with the list of cures (these are just 4 of 76!) so I better post that for you too ;)
    • If you swallow too much air, you might get a slight stomach ache. It will go away as you will eventually burp.
    • Do not press on your eyeballs to relieve hiccups. You could damage your eye by pressing too hard and/or cause yourself to pass out through stimulation of your vagus nerve.
    • Extremely prolonged hiccups could have an underlying cause and you should see your doctor. They may give you a blood test and/or an ultrasound. Causes could include bacteria or liver failure (other symptoms may appear) you could also develop hiccups when pregnant, but should always get yourself checked by your doctor.
    So yeah, if you ever are battling with hiccups, give these a try!


    1. I love the 'Do not press on your eyeballs' i mean who has ever done that?! haha

    2. i dont know lol... but stimulation of the vagus nerve does not sound good! :/


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