Wednesday 6 October 2010

Robbery essentials: Armless driver? Check.

A funny article entitled: "GETAWAY DRIVER WITH NO ARMS IN 100MPH CHASE"

Yes you read that correctly! This isn't a recent event, but something ripped out a newspaper I found when tidying my room at the weekend. "A driver with no arms led police on a 100mph chase through east London after a £175,000 raid on a jewellery store. John Smith, 18, whose limbs end below his elbows, was designated driver for the robbery despite needing someone to change gears for him. He managed to keep control of the Ford Focus for 30 miles even though he was unable to hold the steering wheel as he and his three friends fled from the raid.

"Smith, who cannot dress himself and lives with his mother, eventually ended the high-speed pursuit along the A2 when the getaway car crashed, but he continued to drive the heavily damaged vehicle until the police forced the car against a wall to stop." Now I don't plan on carrying out any robberies in my life, but if I was going to I would not designate the role of getaway driver to a friend with no arms!.. common sense? Haha.

Now back to homework... I do find Owl City's Ocean Eyes album relaxing to listen to when working, even if the first line of the first track is 'Take a long hard look in your textbook' lol :) Toodle pip!


1 comment:

  1. owl city is so good to listen to while doing work. so is lights, who has the same kind of sound, but is female :) thou should listen to her :)


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