Friday 8 April 2011


Well, what a looong week! Ive been busy busy busy and its been tiring, but its been enjoyable also and now its the Easter holidays :D

So ongoing throughout the week have been biology and physics ISAs which require loads of work :/ but on the plus side there has been lots of music too :D On Tuesday the concert with a choir from the University of Southampton which was good fun... then on Wednsayday after 6 hours of biology at school I had to rush off for wind band rehearsal and concert which couldn't have gone any better! We performed The Incredibles theme and a James Bond medley, and we haven't played them better than that :D Every tiny detail was spot on, our conductor had a big grin particularly throughout the James Bond piece and the audience seemed to love it! On Thursday as the usual jazz band rehearsal, and today the wind band performed the same pieces in the final assembly :)

But the final assembly today in church... :O I was sent round to open up the back gate to the church, unlock the church's back door, turn the alarm off, go through and unlock the main front door, and finally open up the main front gates to allow the music teachers car in... how powerful it felt XD Oh and also in the assembly I got a music colours tie (Y) Seven years of being in the bands and choir etc and I get to wear a tie recognising my contribution for the one month of school we have left lol...

Another highlight of my week was seeing the McFlurry machine in a McDonalds explode haha :D chocolate everywhere! On the down side, Im getting blisters on my hands as a result of shifting drum kits and speakers around this week and carrying my saxophone case here there and everywhere :/ ...Anyhow the mahem and madness of school life is set to sease for a fortnight and the Easter holiday's :) Well, not quite... I have rehearsals this weekend totalling 12 hours, for the opening of the Turner Center Gallery place thing - yep, more music! ...can't wait for Monday when I can have a proper rest!

Cheerio :) Joe xxx

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