Wednesday 23 March 2011

Mr Sayer and the zombies

Yesterday my biology teacher had to leave for a meeting half way through the lesson, and for experience in my future career, left me in charge :D This involved me sitting comfortably on the cushioned stool at the teachers desk, enjoying a lovely read of his big folder of answer papers (which btw he entrusted me with), whilst the my class got on with the question sheet :P

So I did my best to make sure they got on with the work - had a walk round to check how they were doing, nearly had to confiscate a phone, and fingers on lips almost had to be enforced at one point XD oh and when i rejected one boys request to go 15 mins early he swore so he got sent to stand outside in the corridor lol... but i definitely did not abuse my power by asking one person to stand up and do a monkey impression!.... so it was all good fun, and then I went over the answers, reminded them of the homework for next lesson (which even I still need to do), and kindly dismissed the class 5 minutes early :D

However, this is when my post takes a much darker turn *dramatic music* ...on Sunday night, I had a dream :O I was quite happily enjoying my lunch at school just like any day, and as I looked around I made eye contact with a friend. They then became a zombie D: making eye contact with everyone else made them too turn into zombies! I escaped from the room thinking elsewhere in the school would be safe, but I was wrong :( all the teachers and students were becoming zombies - basically their skin became grey and wrinkly and their eyes turned black :S so not nice :/ - so then I went into town... again the transformations continued, but an advantage I had over the zombies was that they could only walk whereas I could run! This is where I don't remember the dream so well :/ I found a fancy dress shop to disguise myself from the zombies, and finally remember hiding out in a cave at the ferry port... all in all - randoms :P I hope it never comes true!

Nighty night! Joe xxx

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