Tuesday 15 March 2011

Squirrel whisperer

I am a squirrel whisperer.

I am not going mad like Charlie Sheen... it's true!

I had choir after school today as I usually do on Tuesday's, and today it finished a bit early... so instead of waiting at the station for aaages I walked a longer route to pass some time, a route that took me through a park. Here there were (that's a lot of ere's!) squirrels. One was behind a fence, and as I walked past this fence I stopped to watch. Then a staring contest took place between us. I'm not quite sure for how long... 10 seconds? 30 seconds? a whole minute? It seemed like forever... Perhaps he (or she) was reading my mind? Perhaps I was subconsciously communicating with him (or her)?? :O ...the squirrel then started to make its way towards me. I stayed still, continuing to stare... closer and closer he came... closer and closer!!!... but then noticed someone else approaching down the path and ran off :( Apologies for the anticlimax, but who knows what the squirrel would have done next?!? ;)

Anyhow, my day was quite good before this too... the geography class went into the lesson prending to have no knowledge whatsoever of an earthquake in Japan, which managed to confuse the teacher :D ...and then in psychology, our teacher came out with her own Freudian slip.... the word 'willy' making an appearance mid-sentence lol

And on that note, I shall say cheerio! Joe xxx



  2. What are they going to do to me?!??? :/

    *is scared. sooo verrrrry scared.*


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