Sunday 20 March 2011

In continuation...

Well its been pretty much the same as last weekend... Saturday was sunny and Sunday is rather cloudy, and talking of the climate, I'm feeling a bit under-the-weather as I was last week :/ However, a couple of continuations of previous posts... The jazz concert last week - there has been a review on the interweb :O the saxophones choreography was praised ^^ and our conductor was weirdly described as 'tireless' was only one concert, not really tiring :S It also bigs up that Alice girl :P but talking of being tired...

Radio 1s longestest ever show managed to raise an astonishing £2.5million :O especially when the total was just £1.2million with 4 hours to go... but perhaps this was helped by Fearne Cotton promising to do her show in a swimming costume if they reached the £2m mark :S Anyway what I loved about the whole thing was all the randomness and special guests and general hilarity :D For example, Katy Perry turned up unplanned at the studio 1.30 on Friday morning to wish them well, and brought an array of bizarre gifts, including tampons... and one of my favourite parts was this - not only performed at 6 in the morning, but also after 47 hours of being on air! Why Dev (the one on air bass guitar) is wearing a hospital gown thing I don't know lol... In total I watched/listened for about 30 of the 52 hour marathon :P But did of course donate...

And finally... the latest YouTube "sensation" - the sensationally bad Rebecca Black. Well to be fair, its more the song than her... Remember my blog about walking through the park and communicating with squirrels?? Well whilst this was taking place, I was listening to the radio on my ipod, and at that very same time they were taking the mick out of her song 'Friday'... a few days later and after forgetting about it, it goes viral and now everyone in the world knows and there is no escape! D: There is so much wrong with it! The lyrics... the creepy guy who appears in the middle and is 30 years older than all the kids in the video... the whole production! :S hi-de-ous. I shall say no more...

Now for biology and psychology essays... Cheery-byes! Joe xxx


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