Friday 28 January 2011

Return of the blogger (Part 1)

Haven't blogged in ages :/ a week without internet and exams to blame... But what a long and tiring week! Biology exam... the non-cyclic photophosphorylation reduction of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate amongst other delights, plus psychology this morning... theory after theory after theory :/ I think to come out and say it went well, considering my grades at AS were D and E (before retakes), can only be a good thing! And to finish the current exam season, it's geography next week! *sarcastic cheery tone*

Which brings me on nicely to a moan. Contemporary challenges and conflicts. Don't get me wrong, geography has always been a favourite subject of mine, but this must be THE most tedious topic ever :O and to make things worse we have a room change which means sitting around one big table and actually being involved in the lesson... No longer can I chat and daydream away the hour at the back of class :(

Anyway... I'm getting bored of writing a blog now honest of me! :P (and hence the title 'Part 1'). I'll be back soon though to tell you more about my day today. Now go and listen to this, and have you heard Bruno Mars' album? To summarise - Superdocious.

Chow :) Joe xxx

Sunday 9 January 2011

Sayer's Sunday Specials

Some music for this fine Sunday afternoon... From Toy Story 3, everyone can benefit from this in their life - "You've Got a Friend in Me (Para El Buzz Espanol)" :D ...soundtracks (Y)

Ooh and listen to this too :) lunch, then more revision, and Twitter! on which earlier I annoyed a Liverpool fan :D Joe xxx

Saturday 8 January 2011

Dog Days Are Over??..

...they're only just beginning.

My Mum and brothers want a dog. My Dad and I really question the practicality of getting one :S My house is on the verge of becoming a menagerie. Ok, perhaps not quite :P But two rabbits, two fish, two brothers and now, possibly, a dog. Excuse the play on words, but 'Dog Days Are Over' as in the Florence & The Machine song - love it! It reminds me of summer :)

This week I have had three very different songs in my head. Wednesday - a selection of songs from the Bugsy Malone soundtrack, why? I really don't know lol... Thursday - 'Windmills of Your Mind' by Noel Harrison, probably as it's on an advert for Sky... Friday - 'Mr. Blue Sky' by E.L.O. but there's nothing wrong with that because it was nice and cheery :D Now I listen to my new Hoosiers album (again) from Anna... merci beaucoup!

Some things that annoyed me yesterday - South Korea burying 1 million pigs alive. There's a foot and mouth outbreak there and it's seen as the easy option instead of vaccinating the animals :S I'm not a vegetarian, but that is just ridiculous. Then Kenneth Tong caused an uproar on Twitter. The (much hated) Big Brother contestant promoting size zero magic pills, now the whole world of Twitter from celebrities to the public have turned against him :D

This is going to sound very random, but I have just this very moment discovered from Lord Voldemort that a future episode of Glee will be based around the music of Justin Beiber. Oh dear God :/ But this does demonstrate the wonders of Twitter ;D Now I really should do some more revision... soon... hmmm... Exams! Eeek :O

Joe xxx

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Hello 2011!

Ok, so I was pessimistic about 2011 last week... but it's growing on me :) I saw in the new year with great fun, and now I'm ready to get back to school (N) and see everyone again (Y)!

Aside from the goodbye's, exams and other various glitches that are bound to crop up... there'll be more hello's :) many party's including my own 18th :) plus who knows what other adventures and good times await?? :O

That's on a social scale, but entertainment-wise, I have films such as Pirates of the Caribbean 4, Harry Potter 7 Part 2 and Johnny English 2 all to look forward :D Then there's music... last year brought us (whether you liked it or not!) Waka Waka by Shakira, Stereo Love by Edward Maya and Replay by Iyaz... haha , but aside from the cheesey but catchy ones there are a number of artists I look forward to hearing from this coming year. Matt Cardle for instance... ok I was joking :P ...X Factor winners *rolls eyes* ;D