Friday 28 January 2011

Return of the blogger (Part 1)

Haven't blogged in ages :/ a week without internet and exams to blame... But what a long and tiring week! Biology exam... the non-cyclic photophosphorylation reduction of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate amongst other delights, plus psychology this morning... theory after theory after theory :/ I think to come out and say it went well, considering my grades at AS were D and E (before retakes), can only be a good thing! And to finish the current exam season, it's geography next week! *sarcastic cheery tone*

Which brings me on nicely to a moan. Contemporary challenges and conflicts. Don't get me wrong, geography has always been a favourite subject of mine, but this must be THE most tedious topic ever :O and to make things worse we have a room change which means sitting around one big table and actually being involved in the lesson... No longer can I chat and daydream away the hour at the back of class :(

Anyway... I'm getting bored of writing a blog now honest of me! :P (and hence the title 'Part 1'). I'll be back soon though to tell you more about my day today. Now go and listen to this, and have you heard Bruno Mars' album? To summarise - Superdocious.

Chow :) Joe xxx


  1. you honestly think that contemporary confilts and challenges is more boring than food supply?!?! really???

  2. yes.

    are you challenging my opinion??? conflict starter!:P

    but we can both agree it is way more boring than those sexy choropleth maps ;)


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