Thursday 23 December 2010

Christmas Snow

2 days 'til Christmas!!!...

...I think after all the snow we've had recently, it would be a great shame not see any on Christmas Eve/Day when it's actually Christmas! I know lots of people moan because it ruins their plans, and it has disrupted plans of my own, but come on! It does feel much more Christmassy with the snow, and I'd much prefer it to this wet and windy weather we're going to have for the next few months anyway :/
But for your enjoyment below is a nice cover of Winter Wonderland by Jason Mraz :)

Speaking of snow and cold weather... last night the BBC weatherman concluded his forecast with the chilling analogy: "Tomorrow (today) will be so cold, it will feel like your face is being stripped of skin." Scary stuff there. God bless us all, and let's hope we survive the bitterness and actually reach Christmas :O

Merry Christmas!! Joe xxx

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