Friday 31 December 2010

Farewell 2010 :(

So the end of Crimbo limbo week brings the end of 2010, and what a truly fantastic year it has given me!

At the start I got my nickname - Joe The Player Sayer - given to me by a good friend as he used it to try and convince someone I was the county darts champion for my age group :D Then came rumours and a stupidly short haircut lol :S One of the best weeks of the year came just before Easter on the geography trip Bangor, north Wales... such an enjoyable time was had by all with many funny moments :D

Then with exam season out the way it was summer! Waka Waka fever came over at the end of Year 12 ;) and then another brilliant week - the music tour in Barcelona, Spain. I find it really hard to choose my favourite of the two residentials, so I'm not going to! I'll just remember them as two fantastic weeks for their different reasons xD Then it was my birthday! One of the best birthdays I've had, although the weather wasn't what you'd hope for in August, especially for a day at the beach lol ;)

Year 13 saw the departure of several good friends and big changes at school... many birthday partys and film nights have been had this year, and lots came at once in October so that made for a good autumn :) Then December brought snow! It actually came in the build up to Christmas for once instead of an irrelevant time like March lol... The last week of term is always a busy one music wise, packed with final rehearsals for the Christmas concerts which is always good fun. Over the festive period I lost my voice for several days which wasn't the most convenient of things... but it has come back just in time for the New Year celebrations (Y)

And that brings us right up to date to Crimbo limbo (that lazy week between Christmas Day and New Year's Day - I didn't just make it up!) I'm sure some people will be welcoming the New Year and will be glad to see the back of 2010 for whatever reasons, but I'll be celebrating the terrific year that has gone by... many new friends have been made this year and all 2011 currently seems to offer is having to say goodbye to them as we go off to uni, plus lots of exams! :/ Oh well... I guess all that's left to say is...


Joe xxx


  1. That last paragraph actually made me a little tearful Joe! it's going to be so sad on the last day :( even though i hope you know nobody's getting rid of me anytime soon ;) i've loved being at Chatham with you lot! xx

  2. I don't want to think about it, but I know it will come round so soon! :( haha, i don't want to get rid of anyone! the last year and a half in sixth-form has been the best xD xx


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