Sunday 27 February 2011

Red noses, bowling & choo choo trains

Firstly an update on last night's dinner as cooked by dad... it was not the disaster I feared! XD I dared to walk the dog whilst the pizza was being cooked but did give a few instructions before hand lol

As I mentioned in my last post, yesterday I was in Sainsbury's, and I bought a Red Nose for the upcoming Comic Relief. Now you may know that there are three different noses to choose from with the most ridiculous names - my current Twitter profile picture for example has a Red Nose Twibbon featuring 'Chucklechomp'. The second nose is 'Honkus', but in the end I decided upon getting 'Captain Conk'. However, this was only because I considered this the least ugly of the three :S And whatever happened to the little money collecting box they came in? Plus you didn't just get a nose for your pound , but chocolate, stickers and facepaints too! This year you just get a bit of paper with a few jokes on :( Ah well...

Monday 21 February 2011

Halfterm is never much of a break!

Ok, I lie... it is! There's always lots of work to do, but that usually gets done on the day before we go back and in that first week too :P meaning the holiday can be enjoyed :)

This halfterm I have the cinema, birthdays and film nights to enjoy, as well as bowling :) although we don't call it bowling, we use the term 'AMFing it up' XD But amongst all this I will try and do some work, however I find it all to easy to just to sit around and let time pass by...

I have realised that my blog does not feature much opinion on things that are going on in the word anymore, so in future posts I will try and incorporate that into them, perhaps stimulate a bit of debate!

Now I shall leave you with a couple of songs which I very much like at the moment >>> Animal by Neon Trees, and Young Blood by The Naked and Famous - who I like very much :) in fact I shall also recommend Punching In A Dream by them too, which is perhaps even better (in my opinion) :)

Cheerio! Joe xxx

Tuesday 15 February 2011

A Hot Mess

Can't believe I haven't posted this before :O one of my favourite songs at the moment, love it!
Hot Mess by Chromeo and featuring her off of La Roux - putting the 80s into 2011! :)

And on another musical note it's the BRIT Awards tonight... love watching that also :)

Something else though - I've heard of the horrible 'Bieber Fever' illness before, but wtf is a Belieber?! No. Just no. No, no, no. Get out. Ahhh, what a cheery comment to finish with! How about saying I'm now off to nom on some spaghetti bolognese :) There, much better! Toodle pip... Joe xxx

P.S reading back through this... the 'musical note' pun was not intended ;)

Monday 14 February 2011

A nice note

Ok so I had a very good weekend - great party Friday night and on Saturday had a good evening at friends and we went for a nice dog walk to the beach :) Then Sunday was just spent relaxing, plus I had lie in after only getting a total of 6 hours sleep since Thursday... does anyone count how many hours sleep they get each night, or am I just odd? :S

Today lessons weren't too bad at school, and rehearsal for Wind band was really good... our music teacher is very competitve and was annoyed that our rivals at the other grammar school in the area keep getting chosen as 'house band' for the Isle's annual School Prom...  so instead of taking our choir like we usually do, the Wind band are attending instead and are going all-out to show our band is far better in an attempt to get the gig next year :P

But as well as this, the choir have a concert coming up with another choir from Southampton, plus the Jazz band have stuff happening including the possibility of playing at the opening of the Turner Centre art museum thingy :) Tomorrow though, an actual RAF band - one of the best bands in the country and well known worldwide - are coming into to school to put on a mini-concert for us which should be great :D

But okay okay too much music I'm sensing, but I can't help being excited :D Today I really had an appetite for a McFlurry, but upon arrival at McDonalds, the ice cream machine was broken... but I have tweeted McDonalds HQ in America to rectify this problem at my local branch ASAP! XD I just had a lovely home-made chicken pie though nom nom.

Im going to put the happiness on hold now though, because I know this is dragging, but I need to have a moan... hope to see you again in a second!...

A not-so-nice note

You may remember Mario (in fact it was exactly 5 months ago today I originally blogged about him!)... Warning: this post contains strong language :S

Ok, so I had jokingly mocked his greediness (without his knowing - bitchy I know :P) earlier during lunch... then later on it is with great sadness I report that I was bullied :( I know! Who would be so mean? But anyway... at the same time as this bullying, I casually said to Mario in a cheery tone "Scoose Mario" (written how it was pronounced, and obviously I used his real name) and replied with "Ta" when he moved out the way...

But he did not like this... I got some snidey comment telling me I should have said "Excuse me please, Mario". I complained that that there was nothing wrong with my friendly, informal request given the causal and friendly environment we were suppsoedly in... obviously I wouldn't use that language to the Queen!  Now I specifically said this is an annoyed voice to get the point across... he then went around saying I was pissed off.

I was not pissed off. The 'bullying' was a bit of fun. This did not anger me. He alone merely annoyed (not quite pissed) me with his silly comment. I am calm now, and listening to some top new music which I may recommend in a post in the near future... plus tonight on Radio 1 they will be exclusively playing some of Noah and The Whale's upcoming album *cough*Grace*cough* XD

Cheerio! Joe xxx

P.S I gather today is meant to be special or something, so errr, Happy Monday! :) x

Sunday 6 February 2011


That title sums up my mood today! (for those unsure, it is a happy face!)

Continuing off the back of last night which was so much fun... a great birthday meal with a load of friends, I haven't laughed so much in ages :D hilarious times and one of the best evenings of recent months (Y) Since staring 6th form we haven't really had too many occasions where we've all been in the same place at the same time, and also got to catch up with a few people who left school and so haven't seen for a year or so... all good fun!

And then there's this fantastic weather! You're probably thinking "but it's cloudy, grey and windy"...however there's nothing wrong with a bit of breeze and I do like the whole wrapping up warm thing :)

So today I'm just going to do a bit of work but mostly some general nothingness and relaxing before another week at school, which a am looking forward to because now exams are over I can concentrate properly on band and choir and all things musical again... Jazz Band was brilliant last week and we have a few gigs and concerts coming up which I am looking forward to :) There we are then, hope everyone's enjoying their weekend as well...

Cheery bye! Joe xxx

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Return of the blogger (Part 2)

Every time I go to write blogger, I always type blooger :S

Anyway, I said before that I'd continue telling you about my Friday, but that is so last week, and although there were things I was going to talk about I'm moving on... exams are over!!!! for now... I think psychology and geography went well, general and geo retake alright, physics and biology not so good... but we shall see come what March! :S

Oh my god I just remembered it's February :O I don't have a calendar this year :( but that month went quick! Today was a long day, but still pretty fun... choir was a laugh as always, Don't Stop The Music by Rihanna today - sounded rather good and was all great fun :D Then I had to wait around for an open evening which didn't really involve much, but what I like about them is as well as having a job to do, you do get to socialise and have a laugh with people you've never met before :) beats sitting around in doors (Y)

We have a dog!!!! Charlie - which is a very imaginative name for a Cavalier King Charles (it wasn't us who named him lol) :P he is ever so nice though XD I might put a picture up at some point... Can't think of anything else right now, so goodnight one and all :)

Joe xxx