Sunday 6 February 2011


That title sums up my mood today! (for those unsure, it is a happy face!)

Continuing off the back of last night which was so much fun... a great birthday meal with a load of friends, I haven't laughed so much in ages :D hilarious times and one of the best evenings of recent months (Y) Since staring 6th form we haven't really had too many occasions where we've all been in the same place at the same time, and also got to catch up with a few people who left school and so haven't seen for a year or so... all good fun!

And then there's this fantastic weather! You're probably thinking "but it's cloudy, grey and windy"...however there's nothing wrong with a bit of breeze and I do like the whole wrapping up warm thing :)

So today I'm just going to do a bit of work but mostly some general nothingness and relaxing before another week at school, which a am looking forward to because now exams are over I can concentrate properly on band and choir and all things musical again... Jazz Band was brilliant last week and we have a few gigs and concerts coming up which I am looking forward to :) There we are then, hope everyone's enjoying their weekend as well...

Cheery bye! Joe xxx

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