Monday 21 February 2011

Halfterm is never much of a break!

Ok, I lie... it is! There's always lots of work to do, but that usually gets done on the day before we go back and in that first week too :P meaning the holiday can be enjoyed :)

This halfterm I have the cinema, birthdays and film nights to enjoy, as well as bowling :) although we don't call it bowling, we use the term 'AMFing it up' XD But amongst all this I will try and do some work, however I find it all to easy to just to sit around and let time pass by...

I have realised that my blog does not feature much opinion on things that are going on in the word anymore, so in future posts I will try and incorporate that into them, perhaps stimulate a bit of debate!

Now I shall leave you with a couple of songs which I very much like at the moment >>> Animal by Neon Trees, and Young Blood by The Naked and Famous - who I like very much :) in fact I shall also recommend Punching In A Dream by them too, which is perhaps even better (in my opinion) :)

Cheerio! Joe xxx

1 comment:

  1. ive been cracking on with mr WQ's it's boring! why have we been given soo much from geography??? idiots! :P


    p.s apologies for the mini rant just then.


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