Sunday 27 February 2011

Red noses, bowling & choo choo trains

Firstly an update on last night's dinner as cooked by dad... it was not the disaster I feared! XD I dared to walk the dog whilst the pizza was being cooked but did give a few instructions before hand lol

As I mentioned in my last post, yesterday I was in Sainsbury's, and I bought a Red Nose for the upcoming Comic Relief. Now you may know that there are three different noses to choose from with the most ridiculous names - my current Twitter profile picture for example has a Red Nose Twibbon featuring 'Chucklechomp'. The second nose is 'Honkus', but in the end I decided upon getting 'Captain Conk'. However, this was only because I considered this the least ugly of the three :S And whatever happened to the little money collecting box they came in? Plus you didn't just get a nose for your pound , but chocolate, stickers and facepaints too! This year you just get a bit of paper with a few jokes on :( Ah well...

On Friday I went bowling, and we were in the only lane not to have been booked by the mass of students that packed out the building... We eventually got to our lane (over half an hour late because the people before us were sooo slow! but hey-ho, AMF gave us a free game for the trouble :D) but no one seemed to do very well. I blamed it on the ball (the hundreds of students had all the good ones) but my friends passed this off as a bad excuse... The second game came and the students had left so I went to get another ball, then shocked my friends by getting a good run of strikes XD a few of them too tried this new ball and got strikes also! This was then put down as a fluke... you just can't win sometimes! Although I did go on to win the game ;)

Now a semi-moan... Southeastern trains :S If a train company doesn't meet its targets each year it has to give its customers compensation. Last year their target was to get something like 82% of trains running on time. They managed to get a total of 82.04% of trains on time, and therefore have escaped paying out compensation! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :/

Anyhow, I am now going to clean rabbit hutches out before returning to homework... Cheerio :) Joe xxx

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