Monday 14 February 2011

A nice note

Ok so I had a very good weekend - great party Friday night and on Saturday had a good evening at friends and we went for a nice dog walk to the beach :) Then Sunday was just spent relaxing, plus I had lie in after only getting a total of 6 hours sleep since Thursday... does anyone count how many hours sleep they get each night, or am I just odd? :S

Today lessons weren't too bad at school, and rehearsal for Wind band was really good... our music teacher is very competitve and was annoyed that our rivals at the other grammar school in the area keep getting chosen as 'house band' for the Isle's annual School Prom...  so instead of taking our choir like we usually do, the Wind band are attending instead and are going all-out to show our band is far better in an attempt to get the gig next year :P

But as well as this, the choir have a concert coming up with another choir from Southampton, plus the Jazz band have stuff happening including the possibility of playing at the opening of the Turner Centre art museum thingy :) Tomorrow though, an actual RAF band - one of the best bands in the country and well known worldwide - are coming into to school to put on a mini-concert for us which should be great :D

But okay okay too much music I'm sensing, but I can't help being excited :D Today I really had an appetite for a McFlurry, but upon arrival at McDonalds, the ice cream machine was broken... but I have tweeted McDonalds HQ in America to rectify this problem at my local branch ASAP! XD I just had a lovely home-made chicken pie though nom nom.

Im going to put the happiness on hold now though, because I know this is dragging, but I need to have a moan... hope to see you again in a second!...

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