Wednesday 23 March 2011

Mr Sayer and the zombies

Yesterday my biology teacher had to leave for a meeting half way through the lesson, and for experience in my future career, left me in charge :D This involved me sitting comfortably on the cushioned stool at the teachers desk, enjoying a lovely read of his big folder of answer papers (which btw he entrusted me with), whilst the my class got on with the question sheet :P

So I did my best to make sure they got on with the work - had a walk round to check how they were doing, nearly had to confiscate a phone, and fingers on lips almost had to be enforced at one point XD oh and when i rejected one boys request to go 15 mins early he swore so he got sent to stand outside in the corridor lol... but i definitely did not abuse my power by asking one person to stand up and do a monkey impression!.... so it was all good fun, and then I went over the answers, reminded them of the homework for next lesson (which even I still need to do), and kindly dismissed the class 5 minutes early :D

Monday 21 March 2011

Charlie Sheen

Man of the moment, Charlie Sheen :D These are my favourite quotes of his:

"If you borrowed my brain for five seconds, you’d be like, "Dude! Can’t handle it, unplug this bastard!""
"I was banging seven-gram rocks, because that’s how I roll. I have one speed, I have one gear: Go."
"I'm on a drug, it’s called Charlie Sheen. It’s not available because if you try it you will die. Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body."
"I'm tired of pretending I'm not special. I'm tired of pretending I'm not a total bitchin' rock star from Mars."
"I'm different. I have a different constitution, I have a different brain, I have a different heart. I got tiger blood, man. Dying's for fools, dying's for amateurs."
"Trolls will suffer from Sheeness-envy."
"Can’t is the cancer of happening."
"Clearly I have defeated this earthworm with my words - imagine what I would have done with my fire breathing fists."
"I'm not bi-polar, I'm bi-winning."

Here is a lovely cartoon too...

Sunday 20 March 2011

In continuation...

Well its been pretty much the same as last weekend... Saturday was sunny and Sunday is rather cloudy, and talking of the climate, I'm feeling a bit under-the-weather as I was last week :/ However, a couple of continuations of previous posts... The jazz concert last week - there has been a review on the interweb :O the saxophones choreography was praised ^^ and our conductor was weirdly described as 'tireless' was only one concert, not really tiring :S It also bigs up that Alice girl :P but talking of being tired...

Radio 1s longestest ever show managed to raise an astonishing £2.5million :O especially when the total was just £1.2million with 4 hours to go... but perhaps this was helped by Fearne Cotton promising to do her show in a swimming costume if they reached the £2m mark :S Anyway what I loved about the whole thing was all the randomness and special guests and general hilarity :D For example, Katy Perry turned up unplanned at the studio 1.30 on Friday morning to wish them well, and brought an array of bizarre gifts, including tampons... and one of my favourite parts was this - not only performed at 6 in the morning, but also after 47 hours of being on air! Why Dev (the one on air bass guitar) is wearing a hospital gown thing I don't know lol... In total I watched/listened for about 30 of the 52 hour marathon :P But did of course donate...

And finally... the latest YouTube "sensation" - the sensationally bad Rebecca Black. Well to be fair, its more the song than her... Remember my blog about walking through the park and communicating with squirrels?? Well whilst this was taking place, I was listening to the radio on my ipod, and at that very same time they were taking the mick out of her song 'Friday'... a few days later and after forgetting about it, it goes viral and now everyone in the world knows and there is no escape! D: There is so much wrong with it! The lyrics... the creepy guy who appears in the middle and is 30 years older than all the kids in the video... the whole production! :S hi-de-ous. I shall say no more...

Now for biology and psychology essays... Cheery-byes! Joe xxx

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Squirrel whisperer

I am a squirrel whisperer.

I am not going mad like Charlie Sheen... it's true!

I had choir after school today as I usually do on Tuesday's, and today it finished a bit early... so instead of waiting at the station for aaages I walked a longer route to pass some time, a route that took me through a park. Here there were (that's a lot of ere's!) squirrels. One was behind a fence, and as I walked past this fence I stopped to watch. Then a staring contest took place between us. I'm not quite sure for how long... 10 seconds? 30 seconds? a whole minute? It seemed like forever... Perhaps he (or she) was reading my mind? Perhaps I was subconsciously communicating with him (or her)?? :O ...the squirrel then started to make its way towards me. I stayed still, continuing to stare... closer and closer he came... closer and closer!!!... but then noticed someone else approaching down the path and ran off :( Apologies for the anticlimax, but who knows what the squirrel would have done next?!? ;)

Anyhow, my day was quite good before this too... the geography class went into the lesson prending to have no knowledge whatsoever of an earthquake in Japan, which managed to confuse the teacher :D ...and then in psychology, our teacher came out with her own Freudian slip.... the word 'willy' making an appearance mid-sentence lol

And on that note, I shall say cheerio! Joe xxx

Friday 11 March 2011

You CAN teach an old dog new tricks

I was going to blog earlier this week but since my interview I have been absolutely shattered! I don't remember being so tired. Ever :S I went to bed at 9 and had to convince my mum I wasn't ill, just tired! But here I am with Charlie (our dog) waiting for fish and chips to arrive. The old lady that had him before us couldn't play with him because of her age, so he has no idea what to do when presented with a toy :/ However, slowly but surely he is learning new things! For example, we have taught him to hold out his paw when told so (which may not sound like much, but before he just didnt do anything apart from 'sit' lol, and its such a fun little trick to do!) ...and also, when I was at the door the other day, he went to go and get someone to let me in when only he heard my knock :D I do now though have dog hair all over my bed :/