Thursday 30 September 2010

René La Taupe - Mignon Mignon

This is currently the number 1 song in France, by René the Mole, and has been at the top spot for the last 4 weeks! The lyrics and video are very strange and nothing like the sort of thing you would hear over here! :D

It probably won't make much sense, so I've put the lyrics through a translator, and although this means some bits don't make complete sense you'll definitely get the general gist no problem!

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Sayer - like layer, but with an S.

That's what I'll be saying from now on when asked how to spell my surname, thanks to the boy in year 7 where I have my work experience. Seriously, that was the most productive thing he came up with all lesson. The annoying kid refused to do anything. Oh but he quite happily pointed out to his classmates the drawing of a "man's parts" on a stool. Yet he wouldn't tell me how a sperm cell is specialised and adapted for its function (that was the work by the way, not me trying to link his discovery of the reproductive organs diagram back into biology!). Eventually I did get the words 'squiggly line' out of him... to everyone else that would be a tail ;)

Now in the last post I promised to have a moan, so I will. Yesterday morning at 07:48.25 I stepped up on to platform 4 behind a man just in front of me. Standing at the doors of the train was the conductor, who smiled and wished us a good morning. But despite us being two metres away from the train, the conductor closed the doors and the 07:49.00 to St Pancras International left half a minute early. Half a minute where me and this other man could have got the train. But no, instead I had to wait half an hour for the next train and was subsequently late for school :P

Tuesday 28 September 2010

America's toughest nuts, cracked!

Just thought I'd share these wonderful products with you! :)


Wondering what they look like in action? Then read on!...

Monday 27 September 2010

Not the drive I wanted...

Before I start, please forgive the terrible pun that will become apparent shortly! So I was hoping the hundreds of pounds I earnt working in the summer could go towards driving lessons, however this is no longer going to happen.... Instead of learning to 'drive' a car, I am going to have to get a new laptop (which contains a hard 'drive'! ...warned you it was awful :P) to finally replace my dying computer. Yes, I'll be swapping a machine with 6 windows for a machine with Windows 7 (oooh I'm on a roll ;) haha) Oh well, it's a good job you were teaching me, an XP user, the basics of Windows 7 at school last week Anna ;)

But enough of that (before I start talking about CD 'drives', and linking RPM to RAM), here's an awesome song by Axis of Awesome - their 2010 version of  the 4 Chord song, performed on Scott Mills' Radio 1 show in August :) Toodle pip!


Saturday 25 September 2010

Don't go Soul Sister, stay the night!

Just had a spooky experience at a friends house, sorting out their pets whilst away for the weekend. Turned up and half the lights were on (they weren't last night!)... so I bravely crept in to hear someone laughing :/ went into the kitchen, and it's just Alan Carr on the radio... I hope you can appreciate how freaky that was! ;) But that radio wasn't on earlier either, dun dun duh! :O

But back to the topic in hand... is it me or does the introduction to James Blunt's new single 'Stay The Night' sound remarkably like the intro to Train's 'Hey, Soul Sister'??? That was my first thought the instant I heard it anyway. Also, the chorus reminded me a little of the chorus in 'Please Don't Let Me Go' by Olly Murs. Is this Mr Blunt's new tactic to top the charts? haha ;) and that reminds me of when a jet-lagged guest on Radio 1 earlier said 'chopping the tarts' instead of topping the charts, that was funny xD

Thursday 23 September 2010

Alien chavs in an ambulance

Just had a little fright... I still have this darn headache and came over all hot just now so had a lay down, and drifted off into a nap. I was woken by a loud electronic voice saying:


Now as I was waking up I didn't really know where I was, so for a split second I thought I might be laying in the middle of a road about to be run over! Either that or aliens were invading and just parking their UFO ^^

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Die Antwoord - Enter The Ninja

Heyyy all... I blog to you with a headache and sore throat, on top of severe tiredness :( But oh well I sholdier on ;) and present to you, this...

Die Antwoord - Enter The Ninja. It's the song everyone has an opinion on. Very different opinions. If you haven't heard it then prepare yourself. I first heard it back at the start of August, but tonight for the first time I watched the video (Oooh an advert for the new series of The Apprentice has come on, exciting!) anyway, that video!..

Sunday 19 September 2010

A Poke at the Pope

I understand that this is a big thing for Catholics, but Pope-mania is starting to annoy me now, although at least it creates the perfect opportunity to blog about it! With public opinion divided on his visit, I have decided to have a joke at his expense, but as well as taking the pee I might also moan about what annoys me!

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Work Experience

So today I had my first Wednesday afternoon of work experience, and it was interesting to say the least... but that's what I was expecting! But I thought I'd share some of the highlights memorable moments that occurred.

I'm not going to post the exact name of the school, but let's just say it contains the more 'challenging' kids of Thanet ;) My gosh do the staff have their work cut out there... the constant swearing, music, general interrupting... but hey, luckily I didn't get stabbed! That was my primary concern!

Tuesday 14 September 2010


...not just a fun, fictional video game character from Nintendo! First blog post, and I warn you now, it's not a happy one! Two people annoyed me at lunch and both were unecessary instances. After holding back at the time, I am now going to let off some steam!

Saturday 11 September 2010


Fancy seeing you here! This is my new blog, and soon I'll be posting away!

But just to tease you in the mean time, let me tell you that the first will be about someone very close to our hearts ;) Who could it be???
