Wednesday 15 September 2010

Work Experience

So today I had my first Wednesday afternoon of work experience, and it was interesting to say the least... but that's what I was expecting! But I thought I'd share some of the highlights memorable moments that occurred.

I'm not going to post the exact name of the school, but let's just say it contains the more 'challenging' kids of Thanet ;) My gosh do the staff have their work cut out there... the constant swearing, music, general interrupting... but hey, luckily I didn't get stabbed! That was my primary concern!

Well within my first 10 minutes a boy used the phrase "f-ing deliquent". The teacher immediately condemned the language, to which the boy simply replied "my bad". Make no mistake it was shocking, but I just felt like laughing is was so... well unexpected isnt the right word because it was due to the school's unfortunate reputation, but it still surprised me in a way. In another class, a Year 11 girl said "You don't want to work here do you? I wouldn't want to work here!" Kinda sums it up!

There were several other similar icidences, but the saddest part was when a year 7 boy asked me what school I went to. I told him, and he turned to his friend and said "well he passed his 11-plus," as if he had already come to the conclusion that he was a failure for obviously failing the stupid Kent test. Now he will probably progress through the school under the assumption he is supposed to or is expected to do badly. I told him not to worry about that stuff and that I took it a long time ago lol, but I doubt much notice was taken... Oh well, thats my bit said for today... now to get some much needed sleep.

But in other news, Mario has invited me to a social gathering he is organising! Perhaps Bowser should take a leaf out of his book ;)


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