Tuesday 14 September 2010


...not just a fun, fictional video game character from Nintendo! First blog post, and I warn you now, it's not a happy one! Two people annoyed me at lunch and both were unecessary instances. After holding back at the time, I am now going to let off some steam!

The first occurence involves someone who will go by the name Mario (ok we all know who it is but I'm not bitchy enough to reveal their true identity on the interweb lol). Picture a crowded common room, where space was hard to come by. Despite this I was quite happy sitting on a table, but this was too much for Mario. Other people shall be referred to as their first initial ;)

"Why not squeeze between 'A' and 'N' on that sofa there?" he said. "You're thin enough!" The tone of his voice was not pleasant, and Mario, who likes to adopt a variety of suggestive positions whilst seated, was sprawled across the sofa opposite taking up much room. I felt like responding, "I'd sit between you and 'A', if you weren't so fat!" But I smiled and continued my conversation regardless. This is not the first time though. Similar comments have been made before, yet 'insensitive' is what he called me when I commented a few weeks back on a certain picture of him bearing his moobs. Grrrr.

Secondly, someone who shall be referred to as, hmmm let's see... Bowser, if we are to continue the Nintendo theme. Bowser has recently been organising a social gathering for a special occasion. Although considering him a friend, I have not been invited, however this is not my issue. The problem I have is that Bowser seems to enjoy rubbing it in. Three times invites have been given out to my friends around me, and 'C' and 'A' - people that I can consider good friends - have even questioned the absence of mine and several people's names on the guestlist. Today, it went a step further. Again in the common room, Bowser came and sat right next to me, and of all the things he could have said to break the silence that had come over the group... he questioned 'L' opposite whether they had received an invite. Rub it in why don't you! It couldn't have been made any less obvious. It was funny though, as immediatly a few friends I was sitting with turned to me and lasughed. They knew what I was thinking! But again I smiled and continued nonetheless. Grrrrrrrr.

All of this on top of having my fleece stolen! ;)

There, I am calmer now :) A thank you though, because this post had the potential to contain a rude word or two earlier I tell you!.. but thanks to 'G' who chose to hear this story earlier this evening, and in doing so allowed me to let off some steam prior to posting ^^ Now to finish those Bourbons from earlier!


P.S. A message came up about legal stuff, so...
Images copyright of Nintendo. No copyright infringement intended. ^^


  1. aha! now i see! yes indeed mario is terribly rude person, with womanly breats. and bowser is mean, and i think its outrageous you didnt get an invite!! you should come anyway XD

  2. I now vote that you either gatecrash dressed as Browser or just photoshop yourself into the pictures or him out of the pictures :)

  3. I reckon you should go :)
    I doubt he'll mind. Or just get someone to say no, and go with one of us XD


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