Sunday 19 September 2010

A Poke at the Pope

I understand that this is a big thing for Catholics, but Pope-mania is starting to annoy me now, although at least it creates the perfect opportunity to blog about it! With public opinion divided on his visit, I have decided to have a joke at his expense, but as well as taking the pee I might also moan about what annoys me!

In fact I will, so firstly, the stuff that fustrates me. The main thing is that tax payers are footing the bill for his visit. A bill that totals £12million. Twelve-million pound. Is that a joke? I'm not Catholic, neither are my tax-paying parents or indeed anyone else in my family. So why are they paying for this man to have a jolly in the U.K.? If we go on holiday, we pay for it, and quite rightly too as I wouldn't expect the locals to pay for my stay! Right, already I've got bored moaning so now to mock him, which I've heard lots of TV programs and Radio shows do already to my great amusement :)

Something that made me laugh was this 'Popemobile'. According to Wikipedia: "In 2002, Pope John Paul II requested that the media stop referring to the car as the Popemobile, saying that the term is 'undignified'." Undignified? It's blooming hilarious! I honestly thought it was some sort of Top Gear challenge when I first saw it on the TV. For his safety, the whole thing is bullet proof. But you can't blame people for being angry after the child abuse scandal. I think he should take one for the team and walk out in the open! But in all seriousness, it is the sort of thing you would expect to see on Thunderbirds. This is my artist's impression;

When googling 'Pope jokes' I came across this one. Although it was originally anti-Anglican and pro-Pope, I did find it funny, but I have reversed the roles just to take another poke at the Pope ^^ so here it is...
The Queen and the Pope were standing on a balcony beaming at thousands of people in the forecourt below. The Pope says to the Queen out of the corner of his mouth "I bet that I can make every Irish person in the crowd go wild with just a wave of my hand."
The Queen says "No way. You can't do that."
The Pope replies "Watch this."
So the Pope waves his hand and every Irish person in the crowd goes crazy, waving and cheering, basically going ballistic.
The Queen, not wanting to be outdone, thinks for a minute and says "I bet you I can make every English person in the crowd go wild, not just now, but for the rest of the week, with just a wave of my hand."
The Pope goes "No way, it can't be done."

So the Queen raised her hand and slapped him.
 There we are then. He goes home today *smiles* so hopefully less Pope-related talk... :)

"But what's happening in your life?" I hear you cry (ok maybe not , and if not then just skip this paragraph)... Well with the fam away for the weekend its a great chance to get all my homework done blog ;) Only joking, back to it now... yesterday it was to the relaxing sounds of Owl City, Mika and Vampire Weekend, but today I'm in more of a louder and rebellish mood... but whilst deciding what to bless my ears with, I have a stupidly over-priced but at the same time delicious Marks and Sparks chocolate cake to eat :) Mmmm!



  1. hahaha you're artist's impression. makes it sounds like you have a pet artist locked in a dungeon :P

    my music recommendations :

  2. *sweating with shifty eyes* haha yeah, it does sound like that doesn't it! yeah, moving on... ;)

    I think at the time I went for 30 seconds to mars and b.o.b., but thumbs up to your music recommendations (Y) :D
    the norwegian recycling one reminds me of another song but i cant remember what darn it! :( its somewhere on my computer so i'll find it eventually :)


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