Wednesday 29 September 2010

Sayer - like layer, but with an S.

That's what I'll be saying from now on when asked how to spell my surname, thanks to the boy in year 7 where I have my work experience. Seriously, that was the most productive thing he came up with all lesson. The annoying kid refused to do anything. Oh but he quite happily pointed out to his classmates the drawing of a "man's parts" on a stool. Yet he wouldn't tell me how a sperm cell is specialised and adapted for its function (that was the work by the way, not me trying to link his discovery of the reproductive organs diagram back into biology!). Eventually I did get the words 'squiggly line' out of him... to everyone else that would be a tail ;)

Now in the last post I promised to have a moan, so I will. Yesterday morning at 07:48.25 I stepped up on to platform 4 behind a man just in front of me. Standing at the doors of the train was the conductor, who smiled and wished us a good morning. But despite us being two metres away from the train, the conductor closed the doors and the 07:49.00 to St Pancras International left half a minute early. Half a minute where me and this other man could have got the train. But no, instead I had to wait half an hour for the next train and was subsequently late for school :P

But on the plus side I did get my new laptop yesterday evening in what must be my best purchase to date :D No more stupid, slow, noisy, 'I'll turn myself off with no warning whenever I want just to pee you off' desktop computer! However it now means I can catch up on all my computer-based homework at home, instead of in the common room after school *yay* that, plus this lovely Autumnal weather is making me happy, as well as a good evening of telly with football followed by Grand Designs and a delicious pasta for dinner xD Happy days!

Enjoy the rest of your evening... Toodle pip!


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