Monday 27 September 2010

Not the drive I wanted...

Before I start, please forgive the terrible pun that will become apparent shortly! So I was hoping the hundreds of pounds I earnt working in the summer could go towards driving lessons, however this is no longer going to happen.... Instead of learning to 'drive' a car, I am going to have to get a new laptop (which contains a hard 'drive'! ...warned you it was awful :P) to finally replace my dying computer. Yes, I'll be swapping a machine with 6 windows for a machine with Windows 7 (oooh I'm on a roll ;) haha) Oh well, it's a good job you were teaching me, an XP user, the basics of Windows 7 at school last week Anna ;)

But enough of that (before I start talking about CD 'drives', and linking RPM to RAM), here's an awesome song by Axis of Awesome - their 2010 version of  the 4 Chord song, performed on Scott Mills' Radio 1 show in August :) Toodle pip!


1 comment:

  1. yay!! im a PC and windows 7 was my idea XD


    The chords on which life is based.
    country roads! the 2nd song i ever learnt on guitar! yay!!


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